Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sorry for this sort of depressing post!

It is just so sad. All the sweet little babies that are sick or dying. I know that its just a fact of life and it has always happened, but its like I never really noticed it until I became a mom. Just last year I went to the funeral for a sweet little 7 month old boy who lost his fight with a horrible disease that never really even gave him a chance, and then last month sweet little maddie spohr, then just a few days ago little kayleigh. I can not imagine what there families are going through... I would not wish that pain on anyone, it hurts me to think about it, so it must be a million times worse for them...
So I will just keep there families in my thoughts and hope that the pain subsides and that good memories out weigh the harder ones, and that one day they will be able to look back at their little ones lives and just smile.

Love the people close to you, life is to short not to!

until next time, have a great day!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The month of May...

I hate to start something on a sad note but if you believe in prayer PLEASE pray for Kayleigh's family, she passed away last night, way to soon, and I could not imagine what they must be going through! She was a precious little angel and her story I know has touched thousands of peoples lives, as well as mine, I honestly look at life and my son diffrently now, I relieze how blessed I am to have him, and I've learned how the little things really don't matter, who cares if he throws his food all over the floor, or won't stay out of the cd cabinet, or has to be right on top of you where ever you go, he's here, I get to expierence all these wonderful things that make him my little boy! Unfortunetly not everyone is so lucky. Isn't amazing how one little angel can change the way you look at life!

Of course it has been way to long since I have posted anything on here.. What can I say, I am horrible about these things! Since last time I have started school and am taking 3 classes right now..(so at least I have a somewhat good excuse of why I haven't posted!) Andrew got his fishing license and has been going every chance possible! No big catches yet, but with our schedules not very many oppritunities have come about! I bet he can't wait for Logan to be old enough to be able to go out with him! Logan's friend Seth turned 3 this month and had his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's, Logan LOVED it!

How lucky am I to have these 2 great guys! Logan and I have started walking a couple of days a week at the local parks with my new found friend Alisa and her 2 adorable little girls Launa (2) and Ruby (1), so Alisa and I get to walk and then the kids get to play it up on the toys for a while afterwards! Its been alot of fun, and I love Logan being able to interact with other kids! So I AM going to lose all this weight AGAIN! I have too, no more exscuses! I want to be able to run, and look good, and feel good! I feel like I have been changing soo much lately (I think for the better) that now is as good a time as any! Also now I have to do it cuase I posted it on here and I dont want to look like a quitter! LOL Only 9 more days until I leave for New York with Kim! I can't tell you how excited I am to go.. yet how completely nervous I am about leaving my Logi Bear!! Not that I don't think he will be taken care of, I know he will, Andrew's sister, Chanell, will be up here so I am sure she will help him out, but I have never been away from him for this long, and especially that far away! I will just have to keep busy!! I will have to post pics once I get back, but until then I will leave you with some super cute pictures of Logi Bear! Until next time, everyone take care, and let the ones you love know you love them, life is just to short not to!!