All in all it was a good halloween. Logan got to much candy that Drew has proceeded to eat a ton of! lol! And things have been moving along...
I love the month of November, christmas is next month, thanksgiving is this month, lots of fun decorating and crafts that can be done... And well lately as you may have read in one of my past posts, I have been kind of, well, not feeling much lately, so I'm going to try to post something I have to be thankful for each day this month, cuase I know I have plenty of those things, but its also easy to take it all for granted sometimes... so I will start today!
The past month or so Logan and I have been butting heads in everything that we do, you know when he wants nothing to do with you, he only wants daddy or Kt, or even the stranger down the street, as long as its not you.... well I hope you don't know what I'm talking about because it was taking it's toll on me emotionally, but I think we are finally past it! The past week has been great! We've been hanging out, and playing and doing our sign laungage together again! And so that is what I am thankful for today!
So everyone happy November!