Wednesday, January 28, 2009


sooo hope everyone had a wonderful christmas and a very happy new year!! i know we did!! Logan is up and walking...most of the time...he got his first haircut and had his first birthday party, and tommorow is his actual first birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOGAN!! I am such a nerd i keep watching the clock and thinking about what i was doing at this time last year... walking around the hospital, listening to his little heart beating , having my dad tell us all everytime it would show a contraction on the monitor and asking "did you feel that one?!" I'm totally gonna be one of those moms that relives these wonderful days EVERY YEAR.. and Logans going to be like "awww mom! not again with the story!!" LOL!! I just know that i am soo very lucky!! Speaking of lucky!... my cousin Jessica Monte and her boyfriend Kevin just had their brand new baby boy Michael Edward Joseph on January 20th 2009! Talk about a little cutie!! congrats to them! Im excited, more friends for Logan! So anyways we had Logans party on the 25th at round table pizza, i think we had about 45 people show up, it was alot of fun and a great success! (THANK YOU ALICIA!! AND DAD AND ANGIE, AND MOM, AND RON) thank you everyone who came and shared it with us! SOOO I need to make more of an effort to post on here more often... so until next time... i hope everyone has wonderful days!!

-Live from your heart, you will be most effective.

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