Wednesday, June 3, 2009


SOOOO as I said in my last post I was agoin' to NEW YORK! welll I went! and this is how it goes. (sorry this one is going to be LONG..)

This is what i saw as we were getting ready to go through security at the airport at like 8 am on friday the 22nd... how could i not cry about leaving them all the way on the other side of the country!! I'm always soo emotional!! It was hard, I just told myself the sooner I go, the sooner I get back! (don't take that as I didn't want to go! I did! I was just sad!)

We flew on JETBLUE nonstop to JFK... great flight... they had little t.v.s in the backs of all the seats with satellite channels! sweet! made the time go by faster... and after like 5 or 6 comfortable hours we arrived in the great state of NEW YORK! ( I'm horrible at remembering to take pictures so of course I don't have alot of pictures of the important things that would be needed to tell this story... like the one of us just getting there or something..)

sooo after an EXPENSIVE cab ride to our hotel...(the very beautiful NEW YORK PALACE..where serena vanderbuilt lives in gossip girl...hehe..) we checked into our room on the 34th floor with the really great view...thats St. Patrick's Cathedral as taken from our window... we pulled ourselves together and went out in search for lunch... or actually it was dinner there being that it was already like 7 oclock in the evening... We walked around and enjoyed the warm air (and believe me it was really the only time of our stay there that I really enjoyed the warmth.. cuase holy crow! it was hot there!) We had a good dinner at I think it was called the Mickey Mantel Restaurant we went explorin'...well a bit of drinking in our room... then explorin'.

..and a few MORE drinks at the HARDROCK CAFE...(and let me tell you the last time I was drunk..OHH and I got drunk..was my birthday back in once..or twice during this long weekend.. is not that bad)

(ohh and WAY COOL!! they had the prom outfits from TWILIGHT at the HARDROCK CAFE!! sweet!!) We finally made our way back to the hotel where we took lots of pictures of us in time square and in front of the hotel before heading up and finally passing out.. I mean going to sleep...ohhh I had to bring back the picture of the garbage!! We know I love those garbage men!! (sorry..inside joke some may understand!)

the courtyard at our was soo beautiful! (just so everyone knows none of my pictures will do anything justice..I'm not that great of a picture taker..and the place is just breath taking!!!)

Saturday morning we got up and did some more explorin', mostly through CENTRAL PARK before the SEX AND THE CITY TOUR!
The last picture is THE PLAZA HOTEL... We then got on a great (air conditioned) bus full of fellow SEX AND THE CITY fans and took a very cool very fun tour of the city and alot of the SEX AND THE CITY hotspots!

This picture is taken inside BUDDAKAN( you may recognize this from the movie where CARRIE and BIG have their rehearsal dinner)

If you know your SEX AND THE CITY then you know which episode this is from!! LOL!

This is the bar they used for STEVE and AIDAN'S bar in the t.v. show.

We saw lots of hotspots from the show and the movie, we had cosmos and cupcakes and lots of fun. Afterwards we wandered and ate..(can't remember where right now..) and called it in kinda early that night... with the intention of doing some homework that we both had plenty of to do.. but actually ended up watching I am Legend...

Sunday morning we got up and took the subway down to WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK (and at 10 in the am it had to be like 90* already!!) then we took the subway down to the WORLD TRADE CENTER...

Then we took a walk... a VERY hot walk... down through BATTERY PARK to catch the ferry to STATEN ISLAND... where we then got right back on the boat and came back to the city.. but while on the ferry ride I got some pictures of the STATUE OF LIBERTY and THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE...When we got back to MANHATTAN we went to check out TOP OF THE ROCK before going back to the room to get ready for dinner.. We went to this really great little real Italian restaurant called UVA... awesome food.. we then decided, being our last night there, that we should go out and have just a FEW drinks, you know just a couple...sure...., and you would not believe how crowded TIME SQUARE was on a sunday night at like 11 oclock... but then again it was a holiday weekend.. and fleet week... well on our way back to the hotel we found this little, like we were packed in like sardines, IRISH BAR were we decided to have A drink... well probably like 7 later, each, and a 4 am last call, that we were totally unaware that it was 4 am, we went back to the room where I proceeded to, lets just say fall asleep next to the toilet, and try to sleep as long as possible before our noon check out time!! honestly I was miserable and not looking forward to the heat! But we made it up (by way of subway) CENTRAL PARK where we then proceeded to walk the entire width of the park to the other side... to see some gardens.. By the time this was all done and lunch was had it was time to head to the airport by way of another EXPENSIVE cab ride.. BUT the really cool thing that we saw during that cab ride was a GORGEOUS red LAMBORGHINI!!! I love LAMBORGHINI'S and we all know we don't see them around here so I thought it was pretty exciting and if I would have had access to my camera I would have snapped up a few pictures for everyone to see! ( see like I said I never get pictures when I should!)

Soo after another comfortable nonstop flight back home (full of allll the homework we didn't do while we were there) I tell you this story..( ok so a week and a half later, like I said lots of homework being the end of the quarter) AND BOY WAS I GLAD TO SEE MY BOYS!!

At this point everything is good, I'm finishing up my classes, Logan got bit by Nutmeg because he just got to close at the wrong time, and now uses his OWWEE to get stuff that he wants... oh come on guys you know that face!!! We've been swimming in the pool at my dad's and playing in the sprinkler in our back yard to try to stay cool in the heat, and well that's about it! Sooo until next time I hope everyone is have the GREATEST spring/summer so far!!

(sorry alot of this is jiberish it is late and I am tired..this took longer than I thought it would and I just don't feel like going back through it and making sense of some of have fund decifering it!!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a blast! I really need to give you a visit.