Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It feels like it has been forever!....

Sooooo.... it has been quite a while since my last post... I guess time just gets away from me sometimes... but nothing overly exciting has happened so I guess its okay! I am done with the winter quarter with school, I found out that I passed my ASL class with a 3.0 so that means if I passed my math class, which I should find out by tuesday, then I will officially have my High school diploma!!! finally!! I am sooo nervous about my math grade though that I have even been having crazy dreams about getting it back!! Uggghh! I just want to know already!!
Enough about me though, Logan has been doing good, enjoying himself, learning new signs, hanging out with daddy ALOT.... (please keep us in your thoughts that work picks up for Andrew, and that he is able to find a steady job... preferably with health insurance...please..) We had a good thanksgiving with family, we ended up putting our christmas tree up a week later then usually, but now we are all decorated for christmas and I love it, and Logan seems to love it too! So I don't really have much more to say right now, I think mostly because I am tired, so I will leave you with some pictures of Logi... And I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!!!
Logan at Thanksgiving dinner! He was ready to eat!!
Getting ready to go in the morning, it has been super cold here!

My super cute little man being silly, (don't you love his mismatched goodwill pjs! I do!!)
Logan and Daddy being silly, get these two together and it is all fun and games, all the time!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Soooo I took this past saturday off of work so we could go to the pumpkin patch! The day started out with HORRIBLE weather, rain, rain, rain, thunder, lightning, and then more rain! Everyone was doubting my decision but I stood by it and we went anyways, and it was a perfect day! (well close to it, Logan didn't take his nap till after the pumpkin patch so it made for a few rocky moments.) It only sprinkled like once or twice, and other than that was nice and warm, and not as crowded as it would have been if the weather would have been sunny!
Katy and Logan on our way to the pumpkin patch.
Logan taking charge and leading the way!

I love this picture of Drew and Logan, the pumpkins and christmas trees in the background, it really brings out the best of the season, I think.

Logan helped Katy and Grandpa Ron conquer the mountain of hay!

Thats the look of accomplishment!

Getting ready for our first family hayride!

I think these are two good lookin boys!

The quest begins... The search for the perfect pumpkin!

Maybe it's over there!

Drew was trying to show Logan how to do it, and I snuck a picture.... hehehe...

This was near the beginning of his "no nap meltdown" The evil eye came next.

But Grandpa Ron saved the day!

This was almost imediately after we got in the car.
All in all it was a good day. I love this part of fall, going and picking out your pumpkins and all the fun things for Logan to do! Well I hope fall is going great for all of you, and hope you have a great week!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The measure of a life...

The measure of a great life is not by how well you were loved,
but by how well you loved others.
Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 31, 2009

Looking outside the box...

Well...I always try to be a positive person. Thats just how I think it should be, thats how I think people should look at life. I always try to be a good friend, a good family member. I think that we need to spend time with, and not take for granted the people in our lives. We should never be "to busy" to pick up the phone, is the world really going to fall apart if the dishes get done 5 minutes later than they would have? What is really important? I think we have lost touch. And the sad thing is that people may or may not read this, but will it really matter to them? Will anyone stop and think about what I think is the truth in my words? We need to stop and take a look around and relieze. Life is to short. What happens when the people we "love" are gone? What then? You can't go back, you can't make things right, or tell them how you really felt. Do the petty things really matter? Are the grudges we hold really worth it? We only have so much time here, why do we waste it? God, I am not saying I'm perfect, believe me there are a few things I need to get over, I just don't like feeling like I am the only one putting in the effort.(and maybe thats my problem,maybe I need to stop looking for the "grand gesture" and accept more of the small things) The way I see things, from my point of view, I really do try, and it is easy to get taken up with the petty things, all I am really trying to say is it is never to late to try a little harder, to make ammends, to let someone know that you do care, to step outside of your comfort zone just a little, to pay it forward.

- Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things!
Philippians 4:8

(That I think is what we should live by! All the wonderful things, not the negative!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sorry for this sort of depressing post!

It is just so sad. All the sweet little babies that are sick or dying. I know that its just a fact of life and it has always happened, but its like I never really noticed it until I became a mom. Just last year I went to the funeral for a sweet little 7 month old boy who lost his fight with a horrible disease that never really even gave him a chance, and then last month sweet little maddie spohr, then just a few days ago little kayleigh. I can not imagine what there families are going through... I would not wish that pain on anyone, it hurts me to think about it, so it must be a million times worse for them...
So I will just keep there families in my thoughts and hope that the pain subsides and that good memories out weigh the harder ones, and that one day they will be able to look back at their little ones lives and just smile.

Love the people close to you, life is to short not to!

until next time, have a great day!!