Friday, July 31, 2009

Looking outside the box...

Well...I always try to be a positive person. Thats just how I think it should be, thats how I think people should look at life. I always try to be a good friend, a good family member. I think that we need to spend time with, and not take for granted the people in our lives. We should never be "to busy" to pick up the phone, is the world really going to fall apart if the dishes get done 5 minutes later than they would have? What is really important? I think we have lost touch. And the sad thing is that people may or may not read this, but will it really matter to them? Will anyone stop and think about what I think is the truth in my words? We need to stop and take a look around and relieze. Life is to short. What happens when the people we "love" are gone? What then? You can't go back, you can't make things right, or tell them how you really felt. Do the petty things really matter? Are the grudges we hold really worth it? We only have so much time here, why do we waste it? God, I am not saying I'm perfect, believe me there are a few things I need to get over, I just don't like feeling like I am the only one putting in the effort.(and maybe thats my problem,maybe I need to stop looking for the "grand gesture" and accept more of the small things) The way I see things, from my point of view, I really do try, and it is easy to get taken up with the petty things, all I am really trying to say is it is never to late to try a little harder, to make ammends, to let someone know that you do care, to step outside of your comfort zone just a little, to pay it forward.

- Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things!
Philippians 4:8

(That I think is what we should live by! All the wonderful things, not the negative!)

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