Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sorry for this sort of depressing post!

It is just so sad. All the sweet little babies that are sick or dying. I know that its just a fact of life and it has always happened, but its like I never really noticed it until I became a mom. Just last year I went to the funeral for a sweet little 7 month old boy who lost his fight with a horrible disease that never really even gave him a chance, and then last month sweet little maddie spohr, then just a few days ago little kayleigh. I can not imagine what there families are going through... I would not wish that pain on anyone, it hurts me to think about it, so it must be a million times worse for them...
So I will just keep there families in my thoughts and hope that the pain subsides and that good memories out weigh the harder ones, and that one day they will be able to look back at their little ones lives and just smile.

Love the people close to you, life is to short not to!

until next time, have a great day!!


Michelle said...

I know it's really hard. It just reminds me to be thankful for my own children and their good health.

I noticed you started following me and just wanted to stop over and say HEY! Hope to get to know you better!

Karl and Ashley said...

Thank you so much emily! Every little bit adds up, and we are SO grateful! Thank you for giving and supporting us and our daughter! Hopefully we'll get some new pictures soon :)