Monday, July 27, 2009

Pray for STELLAN

Soooo... the past couple of days I have been wanting to do a post on here, but for some reason I just haven't, and honestly now I think it is better that I didn't becuase I know for a fact it would have been me venting and complaining about alll the things I have felt like complaining about lately. But then I stopped and took a look at the bigger picture and took a look at how lucky I really am and it made those little things that I wanted to bitch about really just seem sooo petty. I HAVE a healthy, happy son.
I HAVE a husband that loves us and comes home to us every night.
I HAVE a roof over my head.(though be it a very hot roof right now, so we are sleeping in the tent in the back yard... seriously 10 oclock and the thing says 95 degrees in here!)
I find myself having to check via the internet on my phone or at home every couple of hours to see if MCKMAMA has given any updates on precious STELLAN. And unfortunetly, especially this last 24 hours or so, I find myself crying after reading each heartbreaking one. Sooo instead of venting about the petty things, and wasting all my effort worrying about said things, I am putting that effort into being thankful for what I do have, and keeping families like STELLANS in my thoughts and my prayers. I have my baby here, happy and healthy, what more is there really?

1 comment:

Sugar and Spice said...

Hi! I saw your comment on Mckmama! I wanted to share my website with you:
I will be donating a portion of all sales to the String of pearls to help families and babies like Stellan! I am trying to get it out there in any way I can! Please let your family, friends etc. I would really appreciate it!
Thanks!! :)